Monday, July 18, 2011

Church Entertainment

Yesterday I was sitting in church waiting to receive the sacrament. I was sitting with my roommate Erin and my friend Kanoe. We were the only ones on this particular row except for one girl at the end. And I guess we just didn’t stand out because we got skipped on receiving the sacrament. I was waiting and waiting, and wondering when they would serve us. It even crossed my mind as the men kept walking past us that they may not realize they hadn’t given it to us. And lo and behold I look back and they are forming their line to proceed up to the front. Well I caught one of the guys eyes, and he realized the mistake. I realize this is not the first time that has happened somewhere in the world. But it has never happened to me. We chuckled over it.

The laughter only grew as we received the second half of the sacrament. We of course were one of the first served cause they had to make sure they didn’t make the same mistake. The man was so eager to serve us he thrust it in front of us with just enough time to get our water cups and then he was gone. I tried placing my cup back but ended up looking foolish as I leaned over my roommate and missed. It was hysterical. I haven’t laughed that hard in church in awhile. Then right after someone else tried to serve us. We declined but were then able to discard our cups with him.


  1. Just wait'll your kids or grandkids knock over the sacrament bread tray.

  2. This is from your Mother.
