Monday, July 11, 2011

Dancing, Dancing, and SH’Bam

I have always loved to dance. I can’t even express how much I love it. I have taken a few dance classes over the years. Different styles. The past few years I have religiously gone to a cardio dance class at my gym. It is one of the highlights of my week. About a year ago I decided that if the gym ever announced that they needed new instructors I would sign up. Well, back in January that is just what they did. Now, they were setting up trainings for all of their classes (yoga, combat, weight lifting, etc.). I attend many different classes, so there were a few I could be trained in. But my heart was set on BodyJam (that is the actual name). It is the hardest class to be trained to teach, so I was second guessing if I really wanted to do it. I really thought about doing another format when they never came out with a training for BodyJam. Well they recently added another dance class called Sh’bam. It is equally as fun and cardio challenging. So instead I signed up for that!sh'bam%2022

This past weekend was my Sh’bam training. I was extremely nervous. I was told I needed to know all of the song tracks and dances before hand. I had a week to practice. So basically for the past week all I have done is work, listen to the music over and over, and dance.

The training was over two days and was amazing! I have never danced more in my life. Hours of dancing, practicing technique. Of course we went over lots of other things, but we mainly danced. Think of the most physically grueling thing you have ever done with your body…then times that by 3. That was how I felt. Well, still feel cause I am still sore and tired.

My first day there I had to get up on stage and teach one of the dances. I have been on stages many times, but not for anything like this. And I nailed it! Ok, I wasn’t perfect. But for being new, it was really good if I do say so myself. I got back up on stage two more times on Sunday. I passed with flying colors. Now I just need to practice, practice, and practice some more,team teach, and then I will send a video of myself teaching to the company and be officially certified.

It felt really good to do something completely new and out of my comfort zone. I had to keep telling myself, “You can do this Chelsea!” And I did do it. So everyone I know, or who actually reads this will have to come to my dance class! I don’t care if you don’t dance…you can stand in the back. Smile

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