Saturday, August 13, 2011

Pre-date Date

So what is with men asking women, particularly me, on pre-date dates. This is what I call dates that are set up a night or two before the actual date that the guy has asked me on. I hate them.  My thought is, I already set up a date with you, not because I have interest, because I don’t even know you, but because everyone deserves a chance and now I can get to know you. But don’t ask me out before then! I don’t even know if I have interest in you, so I don’t want to spend all my nights with you. What if we go on this pre-date and I really don’t like you, but now I have a date with you set up already in a couple of days. It’s just not cool. And it just comes across like you are WAY into me when we don’t even know each other yet.  I guess it’s all relative though, because if I was instantly attracted to you, and we hit it off when we first met, then the pre-date date could be a really good thing. But in general, it is not a good idea. And it is not just me thinking this, I have consulted with many of my single friends, and none of them like it either!

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